Save The Relationship Agreement 

A Plan for When Bipolar Gets in the Way of Meaningful Relationships

Certain behaviors can create havoc in our most meaningful relationships during Manic or Depressive episodes. It is essential to be on the same page ahead of time about what matters most so that mood swings are less likely to create undesirable outcomes. Our free  "Save The Relationship Agreement" worksheet is an empowering tool for all parties involved. It will help both supportive members and individuals with a mental condition get clear on what is the appropriate course of action during the most critical of circumstances.

Tom Wootton Creator/Founder

"I created the Bipolar IN Order System in collaboration with others who experience extreme states, family members, doctors, and therapists. It began as weekend workshops almost 15 years ago and now has been transferred to an online platform for everyone in the world to take.

Use this free worksheet to navigate what many of our students consider as one of the most difficult endeavors when living with bipolar, maintaining healthy and meaningful relationships. The strategies in this worksheet are part of the Bipolar IN Order system, which has helped thousands thrive with their bipolar condition."