IMPORTANT! Watch This Video Before Scrolling Down To Get A Travel Checklist to Plan For Thriving With Mania and Depression During Your Next Trip

Thrive During Travel Online Course

Traveling with a disordered mental condition can be a recipe for disaster. Between managing mood swings, dealing with deep depressive episodes and putting up with triggering events, travel can end up leading to a crisis or close to it.

The stress of planning for a trip can be overwhelming for anyone, but even more so for those who struggle with bipolar and depression. Planning around the mental condition can cause exhaustion and leave one feeling burned out and unmotivated.  Or worse yet, afraid of committing to travel ever again.

This course will teach students about what they can do ahead of time, but even more importantly DURING travel to not let bipolar or depression get the best of them and end up in a crisis.

Work to create the best results possible

With the concepts presented in the Thriving During Travel With Mania and Depression Course we have been helping thousands since 2003. Our successful students use what they have learned in this course and practice it on their journey to full functionality. Those who achieve full functionality are no longer overwhelmed nor paralyzed when experiencing the highs and lows of mania and depression. We want those who share our condition to achieve these same results. 

In this course students will learn:

  • To plan ahead on how to handle possible triggers.
  • To develop a detailed timeline when a state shows up to help prevent crisis.
  • To enjoy travel without worrying about bipolar or depression getting in the way.
  • To find value in the states and use them as an advantage during travel.

Course Content

    • Informative Video Lessons
    • Practical Written Exercises
    • Active Participation Forums to Ask Questions and Share Insights
    • Downloadable and Printable PDF File Documents of All Written Exercises For Your Convenience
    • Flexible Live Online Sessions to Help Deepen the Understanding of Course Material

Please Note: The live online sessions are not recorded to help protect the privacy and comfort of our students. Students have the option to attend anonymously if they so wish and will also have the option to call in and listen to the meeting.

Full Course Only $2.99

Limited Time Offer

$2.99 discounted fee is a one time payment for a one time course. Offer valid until May 22nd 2018.
Regular price is $29.99.

Please Note: The results we speak of are not a quick fix. It takes time and effort to produce real results and this course will guide and support you all the way. 

A Packing and Planning Before Travel Checklist To Will Help Anyone Thrive With Bipolar and Depression During Travel

As promised here is the document you requested from us. To download and print worksheet below just hover over it with your mouse and at the bottom of it options to zoom or print will appear.

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Full Course Only$2.99

Limited Time Offer

$2.99 discounted fee is a one time payment for a one time course. Offer valid until May 22nd 2018. 
Regular price is $29.99.