Alternative Treatment Options

Please Note: This is not a quick fix. It takes time and effort to produce real results and the courses we offer will guide and support you all the way. Our success stories took at least two years.

Struggles of Choosing Treatment Options For Bipolar

Unfortunately, the world of health care treatment is overwhelming and confusing. Those who achieve remission inevitably end up in crisis the next time mood swings rise up. Those who learn to thrive never have to worry about their next episode again. Individuals struggling to find appropriate and effective treatment methods report...

  • Struggles in making sense of the treatment options for Bipolar and/or Depression.
  • Overwhelm and frustration with tried methods that failed.
  • Struggles in finding an appropriate and effective treatment method.
  • Inability to function.
  • Suffering with side effects from invasive treatment methods.
  • Discomfort in the use and dependance of invasive tools.
  • Living in a state of anxiety over future episodes.
  • Inability to communicate clearly with doctors and therapists.
  • Confusion and lack of understanding about what the goals of treatment are.

Many speak of finding alternative treatment options for their bipolar condition, yet have very little understanding about what that means. Choosing an effective method that focuses on results is essential when addressing Bipolar. While other methods focus on trying to create remission (which has been proven to not work), this course focuses on helping students navigate treatment options and on teaching them what truly matters when learning how to thrive DURING manic and depressive episodes.

How This Course Will Help

The Alternative Treatment Options course teaches about major disciplines and their approach in treating Bipolar and Depression.  In the course students explore various topics regarding goals of treatment and their influence in various treatment methods. Students learn...

  • The difference between goals of treatment according to various methods for mental health.
  • What remission vs results is and how they fit into the Bipolar IN Order goals of functionality.
  • About the the importance of properly using tools to help one achieve the best result possible for Bipolar.  
  • How to recognize the effectiveness of various treatment tools. 
  • To explore the possibility of using the least costly tools to reduce symptoms when needed.
  • The value that various fields or disciplines have to offer to the mental health treatment world.
  • What standard of care is vs alternative treatment is and how each differs.
  • Results Worth Striving For

     Expect to spend less time struggling with treatment methods and more time engaged in a journey towards better results. Other students have achieved...

    • Better Understanding of Bipolar and Depression Treatment Methods
    • Freedom to Choose The Most Effective Treatment Options According to Goals of Treatment 
    • Enhanced Communication With Doctors and Therapists
    • Reduction or Elimination of Crisis and Hospitalizations
    • Get Out From Under That Overwhelmed Feeling
    • Learn About The Strengths and Advantages of Various Treatment Methods

    Alternative Treatment Options
    Only $29.95

    Learn About Different Treatment Options For Bipolar. Course Includes:

    Varied Course Materials

     4 video lessons, 1 reading lesson, 2 simple and effective written exercises, and an active participation forums to ask questions and sharing insights. 

    Supportive Virtual Community

     Connect with a global, supportive, encouraging, and inspiring community of students working on getting their Bipolar IN Order. Participation in course forums is not required and can be anonymous.

    Self-Paced Access

    Ungated access to all course content for you to take at your own pace. Course is accessible with a reliable internet connection from any desktop computer, smart phone or tablet. 

    You have a full 30 days to try our courses. If you aren’t completely satisfied with the service you receive, just ask and we will gladly give you a full refund on your purchase price. Give it a try, the risk is on us! Find out more...