That Work

Please Note: This is not a quick fix. It takes time and effort to produce real results and the courses we offer will guide and support you all the way. Our success stories took at least two years.
Struggles of Maintaining Healthy Relationships with Bipolar Disorder
Relationship hurdles are common in all kinds of relationships and not exclusive to those living with mental conditions. However we recognize that living in disorder can have a negative effect in intimate and professional relationships. Those being negatively affected by bipolar and depression in their relationships report...
How This Course Will Help
Our successful students use what they have learned in this course and practice it on their journey to full functionality. Those who have achieved full functionality no longer worry about being overwhelmed when experiencing the highs and lows of mania and depression as the states no longer hold a negative impact on their relationships. Students learn...
The focus of this course is to strengthen relationships, get your family to participate in your Bipolar IN Order journey in a healthy way, and establish a process for healing and repairing all relationships, including professional ones. In order to thrive with our mental condition, we must accept that at one point or another, how we respond to our states affects those around us. Therefore it is our responsibility to pay attention to how our actions are impacting our intimate and professional relationships.

That Work
Learn to Heal, Repair, and Maintain Relationships That Work

Varied Course Materials
Get 2 video lessons, 5 reading lesson, 4 simple and effective written exercises, and an active participation forums to ask questions and sharing insights.

Supportive Virtual Community
Connect with a global, supportive, encouraging, and inspiring community of students working on getting their Bipolar IN Order. Participation in course forums is not required and can be anonymous.

Self-Paced Access
Enjoy full access to all course content for you to take at your own pace. Course is accessible with a reliable internet connection from any desktop computer, smart phone or tablet.
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